/* eslint-disable no-console */ class VideoEngager { constructor () { let popupinstance = null; let iframeHolder = null; let iframeInstance; let oVideoEngager; let interactionId; let TENANT_ID; let startWithVideo; let autoAccept; let platform; let extraAgentMessage; let veUrl; let enablePrecall; let i18n; let useWebChatForm; let webChatFormData; let title; let submitButton; let customAttributes; const i18nDefault = { en: { ChatFormSubmitVideo: 'Start Video', WebChatTitleVideo: 'Video Chat', ChatFormSubmitAudio: 'Start Audio', WebChatTitleAudio: 'Audio Chat' } }; let form; let enablePrecallForced; const KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 10 * 60 * 1000; // keep alive time 10min let keepAliveTimer; const init = function () { const config = window._genesys.widgets.videoengager; TENANT_ID = config.tenantId; startWithVideo = (config.audioOnly) ? !config.audioOnly : true; autoAccept = (config.autoAccept) ? config.autoAccept : true; platform = config.platform; extraAgentMessage = config.extraAgentMessage; veUrl = config.veUrl; i18n = config.i18n; form = config.form; enablePrecallForced = config.hasOwnProperty('enablePrecall'); enablePrecall = config.enablePrecall; useWebChatForm = config.useWebChatForm; webChatFormData = (config.webChatFormData) ? config.webChatFormData : {}; if (config.callHolder) { iframeHolder = document.getElementById(config.callHolder); if (!iframeHolder) { console.log('iframe holder is passing, but not found: ', config.callHolder); } } customAttributes = config.customAttributes ? config.customAttributes : null; }; const startVideoEngager = function () { if (!interactionId) { interactionId = getGuid(); } if (useWebChatForm) { initiateForm(); } else { startWithHiddenChat(); } }; const startCalendar = function () { oVideoEngager.command('Calendar.generate') .done(function (e) { console.log(e); }) .fail(function (e) { console.error('Calendar failed : ', e); }); }; const copyToClipboard = function (e) { const copyText = document.getElementById('meetingUrl'); copyText.select(); copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyText.value); }; const createGoogleCalendarEvent = function (fullText) { Date.prototype.addHours = function (h) { this.setTime(this.getTime() + (h * 60 * 60 * 1000)); return this; }; const isoToIcal = function (str) { str = str.replace(/-/g, ''); str = str.replace(/:/g, ''); str = str.replace('.', ''); str = str.replace('00000Z', '00Z'); return str; }; const getContentOfLineDefinition = function (definition) { return fullText.substring(fullText.indexOf(definition)).substring(definition.length, fullText.substring(fullText.indexOf(definition)).indexOf('\r')); }; const toIsoWithOffset = function (date) { return new Date(date.getTime() - (date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)).toISOString(); }; const icalStr = getContentOfLineDefinition('DTSTART:'); const strYear = icalStr.substr(0, 4); const strMonth = parseInt(icalStr.substr(4, 2), 10) - 1; const strDay = icalStr.substr(6, 2); const strHour = icalStr.substr(9, 2); const strMin = icalStr.substr(11, 2); const strSec = icalStr.substr(13, 2); const oDate = new Date(strYear, strMonth, strDay, strHour, strMin, strSec); const dates = isoToIcal(toIsoWithOffset(oDate)) + '/' + isoToIcal(toIsoWithOffset(oDate.addHours(1))); const googleEvent = { baseUrl: 'https://calendar.google.com/calendar/r/eventedit?', text: getContentOfLineDefinition('SUMMARY:'), dates: dates, details: getContentOfLineDefinition('DESCRIPTION:') + '\n' + getContentOfLineDefinition('URL:'), location: getContentOfLineDefinition('LOCATION:') }; return `${googleEvent.baseUrl}text=${googleEvent.text}&dates=${googleEvent.dates}&details=${googleEvent.details}&location=${googleEvent.location}`; }; this.initExtension = function ($, CXBus, Common) { console.log('on init extension VideoEngager'); init(); oVideoEngager = CXBus.registerPlugin('VideoEngager'); oVideoEngager.publish('ready'); oVideoEngager.registerCommand('startVideo', function (e) { // videochat channel is selected console.log('startVideoTriggered'); startWithVideo = true; startVideoEngager(); }); oVideoEngager.registerCommand('startAudio', function (e) { startWithVideo = false; startVideoEngager(); }); oVideoEngager.registerCommand('startVideoEngager', function (e) { startVideoEngager(); }); oVideoEngager.before("WebChat.open", function(oData) { console.log('before webchat open'); oData.userData = oData.userData ? oData.userData : {}; if (!oData.userData.veVisitorId) { oData.userData.veVisitorId = null; } return oData; }); oVideoEngager.registerCommand('startWebChat', function (e) { oVideoEngager.command('WebChat.open', { userData: {veVisitorId:null} }); }); oVideoEngager.registerCommand('endCall', function (e) { oVideoEngager.command('WebChatService.endChat'); closeIframeOrPopup(); }); oVideoEngager.registerCommand('startCalendar', function (e) { startCalendar(); }); oVideoEngager.subscribe('Callback.opened', function (e) { document.querySelector('#cx_form_callback_tennantId').value = window._genesys.widgets.videoengager.tenantId; // authenticate let date = new Date(); document.querySelector('#cx_form_callback_phone_number').value = ''; oVideoEngager.subscribe('CallbackService.scheduleError', function (e) { if (e.data.responseJSON && e.data.responseJSON.body) { document.querySelector('#cx_callback_information').innerText = e.data.responseJSON.body.message; } }); oVideoEngager.subscribe('CallbackService.scheduled', function (e) { document.querySelector('#cx-callback-result').innerText = 'Video Call Scheduled'; if (document.querySelector('#cx-callback-result-number').innerText === '') { document.querySelector('#cx-callback-result-desc').remove(); } if (document.querySelector('#cx-callback-result-desc')) { document.querySelector('#cx-callback-result-desc').innerText = 'Your Phone Number'; } $('.cx-buttons-default.cx-callback-done').remove(); $('div.cx-footer.cx-callback-scheduled').remove(); $('#visitorid').remove(); $('#icsDataDownload').remove(); $('#downloadLinkHolder').remove(); $('#shareURL').remove(); $('#visitorInfo').remove(); $('.cx-confirmation-wrapper').css('height', 'auto'); $('.cx-callback').css('width', '400px'); if (e && e.data && e.data.videoengager && e.data.videoengager) { const scheduleDate = new Date(e.data.videoengager.date); let htmlText = '

Your meeting is scheduled for

'; htmlText += '

' + scheduleDate.toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + scheduleDate.toLocaleTimeString() + '

'; htmlText += '

Your Meeting URL

'; htmlText += ``; htmlText += ''; htmlText += '

Add this event to your Calendar

'; htmlText += '
'; $('.cx-confirmation-wrapper').append(htmlText); } const icsCalendarData = e.data.icsCalendarData; let fileName = new Date(e.data.videoengager.date); fileName = date.getDate() + '' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + date.getFullYear() + date.getHours() + date.getMinutes() + 'videomeeting'; const element = document.createElement('a'); element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(icsCalendarData)); element.setAttribute('download', fileName + '.ics'); element.setAttribute('id', 'icsDataDownload'); element.setAttribute('class', 'cx-btn cx-btn-default abutton'); element.innerText = 'Download .ics'; $('.cx-confirmation-wrapper').append('
'); $('#downloadLinkHolder').append(element); let htmlText = 'Add to Google Calendar'; htmlText += 'Join Video Meeting'; $('#downloadLinkHolder').append(htmlText); $('#copyURL').click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); copyToClipboard(); }); }); oVideoEngager.subscribe('Calendar.selectedDateTime', function (e) { date = e.data.date; }); // to prevent onClose user confirmation dialog, remove events in inputs document.querySelectorAll('input,textarea').forEach((e) => { const newElement = e.cloneNode(true); e.parentNode.replaceChild(newElement, e); }); }); oVideoEngager.subscribe('WebChatService.ended', function () { console.log('WebChatService.ended'); if (keepAliveTimer) { clearInterval(keepAliveTimer); } closeIframeOrPopup(); }); oVideoEngager.subscribe('WebChatService.started', function () { console.log('WebChatService.started'); keepAliveTimer = setInterval(sendKeepAliveMessage, KEEP_ALIVE_TIME); if (interactionId) { sendInteractionMessage(interactionId); } }); oVideoEngager.subscribe('WebChatService.agentConnected', function () { console.log('WebChatService.agentConnected'); if (interactionId) { startVideoChat(); } }); oVideoEngager.ready(); oVideoEngager.subscribe('WebChatService.ready', function (oCXBus) { console.log('[CXW] Widget bus has been initialized!'); oVideoEngager.command('WebChatService.registerPreProcessor', { preprocessor: function (oMessage) { if (!oMessage.text || oMessage.text.indexOf(veUrl) === -1) { return null; } const startIndex = oMessage.text.indexOf(veUrl); const delimiters = ['\n', ' ', ','] const endIndexes = [] delimiters.forEach( function (value){ let endIndex = oMessage.text.indexOf(value, startIndex+1); if (endIndex === -1) { endIndex = oMessage.text.length; } endIndexes.push(endIndex); }); const endIndex = Math.min(...endIndexes); window.VE_URL = oMessage.text.substring(startIndex, endIndex); const newText = oMessage.text.replace(window.VE_URL, ''); oMessage.html = true; oMessage.text = newText; return oMessage; } }) .done(function (e) { console.log('VE WebChatService.registerPreProcessor'); }) .fail(function (e) { console.error('failed to regsiter preprocessor'); }); }); }; const initiateForm = function () { const webChatOpenData = { userData: { veVisitorId: interactionId }, // prefill values form: { /* autoSubmit: false, firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Smith', email: '[email protected]', subject: 'Customer Satisfaction' */} }; if (form) { webChatOpenData.formJSON = form; } oVideoEngager.command('WebChat.open', webChatOpenData) .done(function (e2) { // form opened document.getElementsByClassName('cx-submit')[0].addEventListener('click', function () { startVideoChat(); }); localizeChatForm(); }); }; const localizeChatForm = function () { const lang = window._genesys.widgets.main.lang; if (startWithVideo) { title = i18nDefault.en.WebChatTitleVideo; submitButton = i18nDefault.en.ChatFormSubmitVideo; } else { title = i18nDefault.en.WebChatTitleAudio; submitButton = i18nDefault.en.ChatFormSubmitAudio; } if (startWithVideo) { if (i18n[lang] && i18n[lang].WebChatTitleVideo) { title = i18n[lang].WebChatTitleVideo; } if (i18n[lang] && i18n[lang].ChatFormSubmitVideo) { submitButton = i18n[lang].ChatFormSubmitVideo; } } else { if (i18n[lang] && i18n[lang].WebChatTitleAudio) { title = i18n[lang].WebChatTitleAudio; } if (i18n[lang] && i18n[lang].ChatFormSubmitAudio) { submitButton = i18n[lang].ChatFormSubmitAudio; } } document.getElementsByClassName('cx-title')[0].innerHTML = title; document.getElementsByClassName('cx-submit')[0].innerHTML = submitButton; }; this.terminateInteraction = function () { closeIframeOrPopup(); oVideoEngager.command('WebChat.endChat') .done(function (e) { oVideoEngager.command('WebChat.close'); }) .fail(function (e) { // }); }; const sendInteractionMessage = function (interactionId) { if (platform === 'purecloud') { const message = { interactionId: interactionId }; // oVideoEngager.command('WebChatService.sendFilteredMessage',{message:JSON.stringify(message), regex: /[a-zA-Z]/}) oVideoEngager.command('WebChatService.sendMessage', { message: JSON.stringify(message) }) .done(function (e) { console.log('send message success:' + JSON.stringify(message)); if (extraAgentMessage) { oVideoEngager.command('WebChatService.sendMessage', { message: extraAgentMessage }) .done(function (e) { console.log('send extra message success:', extraAgentMessage); }) .fail(function (e) { console.log('could not send extra message: ', extraAgentMessage); }); } }) .fail(function (e) { console.log('fail to send message: ' + message); }); } }; const sendKeepAliveMessage = function () { if (platform === 'purecloud') { oVideoEngager.command('WebChatService.sendTyping') .done(function (e) { console.log('send KeepAlive message success'); }) .fail(function (e) { console.log('fail to send KeepAlive message'); }); } }; const startWithHiddenChat = function () { if (!webChatFormData.userData) { webChatFormData.userData = {}; } if (!webChatFormData.form) { webChatFormData.form = {}; } webChatFormData.form.firstName = webChatFormData.firstname; webChatFormData.form.lastName = webChatFormData.lastname; webChatFormData.form.email = webChatFormData.email; webChatFormData.form.subject = webChatFormData.subject; webChatFormData.form.message = webChatFormData.message; webChatFormData.form.nickName = webChatFormData.nickname; webChatFormData.userData.veVisitorId = interactionId; startVideoChat(); oVideoEngager.command('WebChatService.startChat', webChatFormData) .done(function (e) { console.log('WebChatService started Chat'); }).fail(function (e) { console.error('WebChatService failed to start chat: ', e); closeIframeOrPopup(); }); }; const getGuid = function () { function s4 () { return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1); } return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4(); }; const startVideoChat = function () { if ((popupinstance && !popupinstance.closed) || iframeInstance) { console.log('already have opened video call'); return; } console.log('InteractionId :', interactionId); const left = (screen.width / 2) - (770 / 2); const top = (screen.height / 2) - (450 / 2); let str = { video_on: startWithVideo, sessionId: interactionId, hideChat: true, type: 'initial', defaultGroup: 'floor', view_widget: '4', offline: true, aa: autoAccept, skip_private: true, inichat: 'false' }; if (customAttributes) { str = Object.assign(str, customAttributes); } const encodedString = window.btoa(JSON.stringify(str)); const homeURL = veUrl + '/static/'; let url = `${homeURL}popup.html?tennantId=${window.btoa(TENANT_ID)}¶ms=${encodedString}`; if (enablePrecallForced && enablePrecall) { url += '&pcfl=true'; } else if (enablePrecallForced && !enablePrecall) { url += '&precall=false'; } if (!iframeHolder) { popupinstance = window.open(url, 'popup_instance', 'width=770, height=450, left=' + left + ', top=' + top + ', location=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=no, status=no, titlebar=no, toolbar = no'); popupinstance.focus(); } else { iframeInstance = document.createElement('iframe'); iframeInstance.width = '100%'; iframeInstance.height = '100%'; iframeInstance.id = 'videoengageriframe'; iframeInstance.allow = 'microphone; camera'; iframeInstance.src = url; iframeHolder.querySelectorAll('iframe').forEach(e => e.remove()); iframeHolder.insertBefore(iframeInstance, iframeHolder.firstChild); iframeHolder.style.display = 'block'; } }; this.startVideoEngagerOutbound = function (url) { const left = (screen.width / 2) - (770 / 2); const top = (screen.height / 2) - (450 / 2); if (!popupinstance || popupinstance.closed) { popupinstance = window.open(url, 'popup_instance', 'width=770, height=450, left=' + left + ', top=' + top + ', location=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=no, status=no, titlebar=no, toolbar = no'); } popupinstance.focus(); }; const closeIframeOrPopup = function () { interactionId = null; if (!iframeHolder) { if (popupinstance) { popupinstance.close(); } popupinstance = null; } else { if (iframeHolder.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]) { iframeHolder.removeChild(iframeHolder.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]); } iframeInstance = null; iframeHolder.style.display = 'none'; } }; } } const videoEngager = new VideoEngager(); window.videoEngager = videoEngager; const messageHandler = function (e) { console.log('messageHandler', e.data); if (e.data.type === 'popupClosed') { // CXBus.command('VideoEngager.endCall'); // call not ended } if (e.data.type === 'callEnded') { CXBus.command('VideoEngager.endCall'); } }; if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('message', messageHandler, false); } else { window.attachEvent('onmessage', messageHandler); } // terminate call on page close window.onbeforeunload = function () { videoEngager.terminateInteraction(); }; const eventName = 'VideoEngagerReady'; let event; if (typeof (Event) === 'function') { event = new Event(eventName); } else { event = document.createEvent('Event'); event.initEvent(eventName, true, true); } document.dispatchEvent(event);